Bachmann Visutec GmbH
Kasernenstraße 29
7000 Eisenstadt, Austria
Tel.: +43 2682 75799-0
General inquiries:
Commercial register: FN 274018v of the Eisenstadt Regional Court
Supervisory authority: Eisenstadt District Authority
Chamber affiliation: Burgenland Chamber of Commerce; Professional Association of Management Consulting, Accounting and Information Technology
Business regulations: Trade and Industry Ordinance 1994 -
VAT ID no.: ATU62240738
All rights reserved.
Conditions of use and disclaimer of liability
By visiting Bachmann Visutec's website ( and its alternative addresses), hereinafter referred to as the BAV site, you, the user, accept the following conditions of use, which also include a disclaimer of liability. The conditions of use can be viewed from any page of the BAV site.
The BAV site primarily serves to provide information about the company Bachmann Visutec GmbH. We aim to publish content of high quality. We do not, however, accept liability for the accuracy, currentness, objectivity and/or completeness of the information published on the BAV site. We do not accept any liability for any damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the information provided on the BAV site, including the download and use of files. In the case of software downloads from the access-restricted customer area ("Customer Area" menu item), the liability provisions of the contract concluded with the customer apply.
Although Bachmann Visutec endeavors to keep the BAV site and the system hardware used (servers etc.) free of viruses, Bachmann Visutec cannot guarantee the absence of viruses and the like, and a corresponding liability is excluded by Bachmann Visutec. This exclusion of liability applies to all pages of and all information provided on the BAV site. The user undertakes to use security provisions and virus scanners etc. to avoid damage and prevent the transmission of viruses to the BAV site.
Bachmann Visutec reserves the right to discontinue the operation of the BAV site in whole or in part at any time or to change its contents at will. The same applies to the conditions of use, which are revised from time to time and apply in the version published on the BAV site at the time the visit occurs. Due to the nature of the internet and computer systems, Bachmann Visutec cannot guarantee the continuous or uninterrupted availability of the BAV site.
The BAV site may contain links to third-party websites. Bachmann Visutec does not assume any responsibility for the contents of these websites, nor does Bachmann Visutec adopt them or their contents as its own. This includes instances in which Bachmann makes a comment on a link or a link is part of an article on the BAV site. The contents of linked websites are the responsibility of the respective authors and providers. Links and other references to third-party websites must not be construed as recommendations.
The intellectual property rights for all contents (texts, pictures, trademarks, logos etc.) that can be found on the BAV site are held by Bachmann Visutec unless otherwise noted.
The further use of texts, pictures, program codes and/or design elements is permitted only with prior written consent from Bachmann Visutec. This also applies to any further use of such materials in electronic form as well as to both commercial and non-commercial usage. Beyond the access-restricted customer area, the user is exclusively entitled to use the BAV site and its contents in a way and to an extent that corresponds to the BAV site's information purpose.
The publicly accessible part of the BAV site contains non-binding information that neither is nor will become part of a business relationship.
The access information for the BAV site's customer area not publicly accessible as well as its contents may only be passed on by the customer to company personnel who have a need to know and under no circumstances to third parties. If the customer suspects or knows that the access information has fallen into the hands of a third party, Bachmann Visutec must be informed immediately in writing so that the specific access information can be blocked and the customer can be provided with new access information.
Bachmann Visutec reserves the right to use cookies. Any disclosed personal user information will be used by Bachmann Visutec in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations.
Bachmann Visutec is in no way obligated to publish or answer contributions sent by regular mail or e-mail. The publication decision is subject to the editorial responsibility of Bachmann Visutec and will not be justified or commented.
Austrian law (excluding its conflict-of-law rules) applies. If users access the BAV site from outside of Austria, only they themselves are responsible for compliance with the relevant provisions under their respective national law. The place of jurisdiction is Eisenstadt, Austria.
If certain stipulations of the conditions of use are ineffective or are declared void, none of the other stipulations will be affected.